Autumn - Tiger's Eye Fabrics
Accessing spirit allies aligns with an ancient wisdom we all have access to. We are not alone on this journey. The plant, mineral & animal kingdom offer us all so much support.The lovely @faithandreyivna is modeling our Tiger’s Eye bathing robe. Tiger’s eye can be very balancing and centering - essentially taming the tiger within.
We can all use support at times 🙏🏼Gratitude for the Mineral Kingdom.
Brand: @vibrationaladornment Model: @faithandreyivna Photographer: @jbldt. Robe is limited edition & made with an eco poly. Balance & Center before going into your day - alignment matters ❤️ #VibrationalAdornment #VibrationalAdornments #WearYourMedicine #WearYourVibration #ThankyouTigersEye #ThankyouMineralKingdom #AdornmentIsMedicine#
Vibrational Adornment - Roots and Gemstones
Fashion, Vibration & Energetics Gemstone and Plant Vibrations in Adornment ∞ Vibrational Adornment by Dami Paternoster My career prior to Fashion had been in Computer Graphics FX/Compositing & Animation for decades. Simultaneously I have worked as an Intuitive and Energy worker for years. Most years, I have attended a conference called Siggraph...
Re-branding from Shamanic Chic to Vibrational Adornment
It has been a journey to rebrand. We appreciate your patience. We are happy to have a new logo and look coming with Vibrational Adornment. You will still find our Vibrational active wear, and our renewal garments (repurposed garments with our Vibrational fabrics up-lifting the vibe) as well as upholstered...
What a Whirl Wind
It has been a super busy year and I have learned so much. I have tried a lot of things and have an exciting direction forward. This past year we were in 3 Fashion shows - I am so grateful. In the Modifed Style show we won 2nd place for...
- November 2021
- November 2020
- January 2019